Friday, April 18, 2014


I could hear her voice saying, 

"Me? How can that be possible?" when she heard the voice "I chose you".... 

When one is "called" the person knew it. Only the one who have been called can hear the voice. The question lies on the freedom of the one chosen to say, "YES"... 
(cf ccc488)

"Mary untied the knot's of Eve's disobedience by her obedience" - St. Ireneus

 Let it be done unto me. (ccc494) ....

In the garden, our first parents broke their relationship with Love [God] through pride; 

It is fitting then that healing took place in the garden through humility...

Everything is possible with love and in their humanity, they prove that we are capable to do the same- let go of our preference for greater good, for the good of many .

For true and perfect love  means saying “YES” to sacrifice in the service of and for Love, when we hear the "voice" calling us to  love...

A sword pierced her heart at the sight of her Son..

His side was pierced by a soldier's lance ...  

Their lives were intertwined from the beginning to the end... 
       Their hearts are one+, consecrated to and for Love.

Twin Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Ainsi soit-il [Amen]

Mary, with your yes, you gave flesh to the Son of God.
Jesus by embracing the Cross on Good Friday, you gave me  hope to look forward to my Resurrection,  my Easter Sunday - my perfect JOY .

Thank you.