I have just completed my degree course in college when our family was confronted with a painful experience that none of us - my mom, my sister and I had known before - the sudden death of a member of our family - my father.
Life is precious yet so short. It took me a while to accept the reality, the truth that was right before my eyes - my father, my friend, my model... he's gone. I was the first born and the only son; I knew right there in that hospital emergency room that I needed to be strong for my mother and my sister. I thanked God for the gift of a mother. In the midst of pain and grief, my mom's deep faith had helped us, my sister and I to live the following days and months with peace and serenity though it wasn't easy. My mom had a way to hide her own sorrow - for our sake she made sure to be emotionally strong. Her unwavering trust in God were like the invisible arms that embraced us as we traveled that unfamiliar 'road'. Dad is in the hands of Love himself.
I was blessed
to find myself working in New York City right after my college days. I was in one of the buildings in Manhattan
when the September 2001 World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists. The building where I worked was not near the site of the attack, however the impact was enough to shake the depth of sadness out of me as I saw the many lives that were lost. It opened a wound that was slowly healing from the experience I had from my father's death. I became more aware of the vulnerability of human life and often reflected: " Life, how short you can be...here now...gone tomorrow. God help me use this gift wisely."
"Make us know the shortness of our life,
that we may gain the wisdom of heart" (Psalm 90:12)
World Youth Day Toronto July 23-28, 2002
"Build a civilization based on love for the third millennium, by making Christ the cornerstones of your lives." These were the words of Pope John Paul II at the World Youth Day held in Toronto that year. His message was clear - "use your gift of life in building a future worth living". His presence was so powerful! His love for the church and the young was so evident that not one of us left the city of Toronto without taking-in those challenging words of the late heroic vicar of Christ. We were burning with zeal to be the "Lumiere du Monde et Sel de la Terre" ( Light of the World and Salt of the Earth). Though the Pope's body was wasting away and frail, his passion for life, love and service was so alive! Enough to stir in us the desire to take heed, listen and act!
These words .... "civilization based on love... make Christ the cornerstone of your lives... Lumiere du Monde" - they were like wake up calls to a sleeping soul... my soul.
After the WYD, I came back to New York a different person. There was something restless within me though I was trying to ignore it. The Holy Father's words were like an echo that kept coming back over and over again in my memory in next days and weeks that followed.
The time has come...
God is love. He chooses each one of us to be His witness in the world. However there are some who are chosen for a special tasks- to work in His 'vineyard' yet He never insist His rightful place in our lives. He gives us freedom to respond or ignore this call. The choice is always ours.
Flashback: During my junior high school and college days I have always been involved with volunteering works; summer services to the community. I was always happy coming home with stories to share- how I made myself useful by doing community services. In the Bronx- soup kitchen; nursing homes - visit to the elderly. In college, there were evenings where we went to a nearby nursing home to serve supper to the elderly residents.
"An encounter with Love"
Borrowed times are God's life surprises; gifts presented in different "packages" waiting for us to unwrap one-by-one as they come. These gifts always come at the right time --God's Time, when we are ready to receive it.
I have had quite a few of these 'gifts':
- my father's death - I realized as I "opened this package" that no matter how much we love this world, there will be a time when we have to let go of it. It is not up to us to know when and where will He call us back home, it is up to Him. So, if life is this short, and I have no say when will this gift needs to be returned to the Giver, then it does matter a lot how will I "unwrap" it;
- the event that caused several casualties at 9/11 attacks: unexpected loss of lives... things happened for a reason; we may not know it now but God knows and He is in control.
"...this night thy soul shall be required of thee,
then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? (Luke 12:20)
- the message at WYD 2002 Toronto; ".. build a civilization base on love..."
- the summer service experiences I had that gave me a sense of how love can make a difference to the world and to the one who become an instrument of Love.
The Gift you received give it as a Gift
Yes, I heard the "call".
I hesitated. I did try to ignore the 'voice' I heard. I remember saying, " Not me Lord, I know what I want, I can see where my career is heading, I'm happy with my life."
But the voice within me was more powerful.
The message was clear,- everything we have is a gift on "borrowed time." Life is the most precious... That I should make use of it wisely and not waste any moment, for today will be yesterday in no time if I missed the opportunity to live it - worthily; fully.
The interior restlessness was becoming stronger as days and weeks passed by. I was looking for an answer -I was searching / thirsting but at the same time unsure if I want to know the answer!
"How do you say that you love God whom you do not see, if you don't love your neighbors whom you see."
(1Jn 4:20-21)
(1Jn 4:20-21)
The God of love is calling me. I just knew it! Don't ask me how? I just know.
The self-offering with structured prayer, community and ministry to the poor, it was to this life that He was drawing my attention! I 'entertained' the idea and said, "Well, I can be a missionary for a year or two... but no Lord, not life with vows as religious- I can love and serve you as a lay person."
"Spring follows after Winter"
The more that I tried to ignore the 'voice', the more I can't stay away from it. It was one autumn afternoon of 2002 when finally God came and "settled' my predicament. I was with friends at Mount Vernon ,VA for the weekend enjoying the scenic road and nature walk when the majesty and wonder of nature before me - the autumn leaves, the changing colors of the foliage suddenly hit me like a clear flash of lightning! Being immerse with nature can bring a soul to contemplation of the Divine! It dawned on me that He is God and I am not! He made me realized through the majestic panorama of His creations that I should not fear! He'll take care of my concern. All I was able to say was, "O God what an awesome God You are! If you can create such beauty that changes from one season to another, always leading to a hope of a new life, You must know what you are doing! I don't know why you want me but I should trust You!
God's call never insists, he whispers, then lovingly and patiently He waited for the soul to respond at its own pace, in his own time...His time.
I surrendered my life to Love. " You have called Lord, here I am."
Autumn of 2002, I turned my back to the world I knew and entered a new world yet to be discovered (by me) an 'unknown' world to many. A life fully given to the service of the Gospel as missionary religious brother. Why the Gift Blog
Life is a series of Borrowed Times
Living this life for many years now, I have slowly understood as I looked back of the past on how God has prepared me even before I knew it. He unraveled His plan in stages of my life...His time, a series of encounters when I deemed ready and able to understand the wisdom behind every visitation. My world seems unknown to many because it takes one to enter into its door, a door that leads to a "narrow road" as it may seem, but in reality it's the door that leads to a world full of love, for at the center of it is Love Himself.
I turned my back from the known world of a promising professional career
I fixed my eyes to journeying in the world of life fully given
A life whose sole purpose and desire is to be a witness of Jesus,"as a servant"
A life full of love, life, peace and joy... in the service of the Poor of Christ.
It is given to us for a purpose.
That is, to honor the Giver of life
Make full use of this gift for purpose it was intended to
So that your joy will be complete.
The God of love is not hidden.
He is right 'there' waiting.
His rightful place is our heart
Let not the world prevents us
from hearing His Heart beating in us.
A Heart that beats love
A Heart that sees love in all things
A love that knows no boundary
For He is Love himself
My friend,
the people we cherish and love,
the blessings we received,
the life we have,
they are all gifts from God given on borrowed times.
We unwrap each gift as we journey through this land.
I hope that you too will see the wisdom of God at every gift you received.
the people we cherish and love,
the blessings we received,
the life we have,
they are all gifts from God given on borrowed times.
We unwrap each gift as we journey through this land.
I hope that you too will see the wisdom of God at every gift you received.
And when it's your turn to unwrap the gift, I pray that you would take the cue.
Follow His leading
that you may experience the true joy of living.
Borrowed times are God's precious moments with us, an encounter with Love Himself.
Take heed, listen, learn and follow the wisdom of this visitation
and experience the fullness of life in love, peace and joy.
A life in union with Him.
Be a gift!
It is possible in any state of life...just pay attention when you "unwrap" your gift.
Happy journeying...
Happy journeying...
This is one of the most beautiful reflections I've read from you Daniel. There are many lines that I like going back to every time I visit here...
ReplyDelete~ an encounter with love~
~Life is a series of borrowed times~
Like you, I have struggled with the call ~ hahaha, the call to go 'outside,' and have my mission here. It is true what you wrote, in any state of life, when the Lord chooses at His proper time, when we are ready to receive, He will pour His gifts in abundance. I felt that now, yes, if only we'd allow God to work in us.
~narrow road~it leads us to Christ Himself... I have finally understood why it seems narrow...it is because it leads us to the road of Love. And when we finally encounter Him, everything else just fades away, everything else is not important ~ Solo Dio basta...
~God does not hide ~ He waits...patiently...
Thanks God He does... He knows that it takes time for us to grow... to accept... to finally say, we need Him in our lives, take the lead...
I am grateful for all that I have received from Him, like you borrowed times allowed me to experience the loss of loved ones but with the loss comes a different and unique 'encounter' with love... allowing me to love Him through the 'new' people He gives me...allowing me to see Him face-to-face with greater trust ~ for He knows what is best for us... and finally, to surrender these gifts with joy ~ for everything has its Source from Him...
Thank you also for journeying with me ~ you are one of God's precious gifts. God bless! You will always be my 'little brother' in Christ.
Thank you Melissa for your comment so sincere and transparent.
DeleteThe Man on the Cross is the one that gave me the light to fully grasped the message of His 'gifts'. It took me a lot of reflection and soul-searching to see the silver-lining beyond the dark clouds at every gift I received wrapped in my life experiences limited as they are. Gazing upon Him on the Cross often has taught me that it does not really matter how long we live; what matters is how we spent the life we were given; how much love we put at every time we breathe His breath.
It is such a privilege to journeying with you. Wish you all the best, in Jesus Name+
Daniel, I'm so glad I found your blog because Melissa shared it on Facebook! What an amazing faith story you have shared here. I am inspired!
ReplyDeleteHe has given us all gifts in this time of life on earth. I have unwrapped mine through writing. What a mighty and wondrous God we serve!
Blessings to you!
Thank you Martha. I'm glad that you stopped-by. I didn't know that Melissa shared my blog on Facebook. But I'm glad she did. If it will help others to be inspired to love and use the gifts of God they have then it serves its purpose. God Bless you as you continue to inspire others by being a gift through your writing.
DeleteOh my brother, I love how you sincerely told us your pains of events and your calling. I'm so sorry for your loss. i can only imagine the pain and sorrow... Like i told my mother when she lost her two brothers, "this is just a temporary separation. We will all reunite in heaven and iiti s forever."
ReplyDeleteWhat religious order are you? Dominican? Franciscan? So excited for you, my brother. Not many accept the calling of God. My brother wanted to be one too but after years and events, he decided to serve God at home. He goes to church in some mornings and Adoration.
Use your wonderful gifts that God gave you and never be afraid of anything. You are protected in God's hands and the blessed Virgin Mary's veil.
Big hugs, my brother, and serve God and enjoy the lovely creations that God gave us to enjoy and admire. :D
Just as God is love, happy and playful, His heart fills with joy to see His children happy. :) Smile, my brother and be happy. You are not alone. :)
DeleteThank you for visiting Hilda. We all have our 'callings' and when we follow that which we know God is asking from us I think we can be assured of happiness and self fulfillment not to mention it pleases Him. Life is short and precious. It's a blessing when we use this life to make others happy.
DeleteGod bless you and your family. We share the love of Christ and the work in His Vineyard.
You are so welcome! ❤️ making others happy also fills us with joy and also makes God happy. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones always!